MANAJEMEN MUTU DI LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN BERPRESTASI (Studi Multi Situs MAN 3 Kediri dan SMA Ar-Risalah Lirboyo Kediri)

Muhamad Yasin, Creator and Hj. Hanun Asrohah, M.Ag. (Sekretar, Promotor 1 and Prof. Dr. H. M. Ridlwan Nasir, MA. (Pr, Promotor 2 (2017) MANAJEMEN MUTU DI LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN BERPRESTASI (Studi Multi Situs MAN 3 Kediri dan SMA Ar-Risalah Lirboyo Kediri). Doctoral thesis, UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN AMPEL.

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ABSTRACT MUHAMAD YASIN, 2017, Promoter: Prof. Dr. HM RIDLWAN NASIR, MA. And Co-Promoter: Prof. H. MASDAR HILMY, MA., PhD,: P.hD Dissertation, The Quality Management at Well-Achieved Islamic Education Institutions (Multi Site Study at MAN 3 Kediri; SMA Ar-Risalah Lirboyo Kediri, Dirasah Islamiyah, The State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, 2017. Key Words: Quality Management; Well-Achieved Islamic Education Institutions The main issue facing schools in general are associated with quality management of education which includes eight national standards of education. In addition, it attempts on the implementation of TQM in Education is the hope of student achievement’s increasing both academic and non academic. Man 3 Kediri and SMA Lirboyo Kediri Ar-Risalah was proven got well-achievements either academic or non academic and its can be used as the reference of quality for other schools. This study be examined the quality management which involved three aspects, namely; planning, implementing, and evaluating. Hence this research aims to find out: 1). How is the planning of quality management at MAN 3 Kediri and SMA Ar Risalah Lirboyo Kediri in realizing the well-achieved institution, 2) How is the implementing quality management at MAN 3 Kediri and SMA Ar Risalah Lirboyo Kediri in realizing the well-achieved institution, 3) How is the evaluating of quality management at MAN 3 Kediri and SMA Ar Risalah Lirboyo Kediri in realizing the well-achieved institution This research using the method of qualitative-descriptive and the phenomenological-naturalistic’s approach. The design of the research using the multisite studies conducted in MAN 3 Kediri and SMA Ar-Risalah Lirboyo Kediri. The collection data is conduct by the method of interview, observation, and documentation. Techniques of data analysis used individual cases and a cross-case analysis of data. In order to test the validity of data is done through credibility, transferabilityy, dependability, and confirmability. The results showed that MAN 3 Kediri and SMA Ar Risalah Lirboyo Kediri already implement the quality management ranging from planning, implementing, and evaluating to realize the well-achieved that referred to the implementation of TQM in Education TQME Plus the SNP: 1). Planning: Considering the vision and mission as a guidelines of quality improvement, commitment to the organizers of the school standard of the SNP, service of process, improvement of quality at school inputs, using a reference from the Government, the existence of a quality planning; management review inputs of the school is the result of ongoing programs, improve services with question form, the design quality assurance. 2). Implementation: implementing the national curriculum and typical institutions, educators and educational personnel have qualified min. Bachelor, Master Program and PhD Program, the satisfaction of learners and parents as the user, and provided with the skill, the infrastructure that is representative, transparency of management of education, the school's relationship with the community is very intimate, there is a special service for learning supporting facilities. 3). Evaluation: self-evaluation of school performance, conducting evaluation of the learning process at the end of each semester, conducting the annual work program evaluation at the end of academic year, preparing reports on self-evaluation of schools, developing priority scale of activities and following-up programs on EDS outcomes.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor
H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions: Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences > School of Management
Depositing User: Cak im 234
Date Deposited: 09 Oct 2021 02:56
Last Modified: 09 Oct 2021 02:56

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